Hi Paritosh,
Originally posted by Paritosh:
Does it looks possible for me to clear the exam in 2 weeks. I have been getting only discouraging comments from folks around me. Plus i am a working person so can't squeeze out 12 hours a day for sure but have been trying to put in my best.
Don't sweat the discouragement from your peers. If they aren't willing to help, blow them off.
Since you're working, there's more pressure on your shoulders. As for me, I'm between jobs atm and am getting fresh certs with my time as a lot of my others are outdated. I'm able to get about 6-8 hours a day study time plus some relaxing time to hang out at the ranch

. However, because the amount of knowledge that needs to stick, I'm living & breathing
Java. I need to do some studying in other tech areas, but am holding off until after the exam.
On the mock exams
you should be scoring about 10% higher of what you expect to score on the real exam.
Since you've read the book, you should have a pretty good idea of your weak spots. Start attacking those now and when you start studying each day while your fresh. The more time you spend on them the better.
-- Nothing is impossible if I'mPossible