My worst interview ever....
I had just graduated from Univ of Pittsburgh (Dec. 1994), and was to have interview with this company. During the initial phone interview - they asked me my salary requirements - I mentioned $25-$30K. To which they replied - "no one is worth that much, you must be something special." Shoulda been a warning. They called the next day and said come on in.
So I arrive for interview. Secretary meets me at the door - says I cannot talk with company president until I pass their examination. Fine.
First question. Given the x/y coordinates of a point, and three other points. Is this a true arc. Basically, you had to pull out an old math distance formula and calculate the distances between the point and each of the three other points. If distance same, a true arc, if not - then not a true arc.
It was not a true arc. Answered differed by .0001, but it took like 45 minutes to get the answer. No calculator.
Second question. Write a circular queue in C++ - fine - that took about 15 minutes.
Third question. Use the company version of BASIC to incremently count (in binary notation) the number of times this motor goes clockwise - and decremently count by one each time the motor wheel revolves one time backward.
The input from the motor would be electrical signals. The
pattern from the electrical signals would indicate forward or backward revolutions of motor wheel.
Three hours later - I get the puppy done. Remember, I am in suite and tie - totally soaking wet with sweat - as it took me forever to figure out this one.
So, after four hours of exams. I ask to meet the company president. Fine. He takes look at project. Fine. He shakes hands and says "We will be getting in contact with you." He points and grunts "that's the way out", and goes back to his office.
Two weeks later get a Dear Sir/ Dear Mam form letter with the Dear Sir part circled. "Thanks but no thanks"
Bunch of total bastards.
[email protected])