Hi anveshana,
I definitely don't want to be discouraging, but from the questions you've been posting, it does seem like you're still not quite at the required level of
Java mastery for the SCJP.
The good news: it looks like you're getting there. You've taken a good step by coming to this forum and asking questions. However, you must invest time to find out for yourself what the answers are. Don't just post your doubts to the forum and wait for someone else to give you the answers--take out your Java compiler and see if you can figure out why each mock exam program behaves the way it does! Consult the
API javadoc and the
Java Language Specification if you need to clarify something about the API or the language. I cannot emphasize this enough:
you must write code to become a good Java programmer. When I was preparing for the SCJP, I made sure I always had my Eclipse window open when reading or doing a mock exam, so that I could quickly write a small
test program to test out anything I can uncertain about. I strongly recommend that you do the same.
Also, do try to answer other people's questions on this forum; very often, the best way to learn is to try to teach. And even when you really can't figure something out and need to post a question here, try to at least describe your current understanding of the problem. You'd be surprised at how often the mere act of writing out your area of confusion is enough to get your brain juices flowing to resolve the confusion!
With only one week left, things will definitely be a bit challenging. But you can definitely still do it, especially since your weak areas are confined to just a few topics. Go through the mock exams again over the next 2-3 days, but this time write as much code as you can to explore the underlying concept for each question that you stumble on. After that, post all your remaining questions to this forum, including descriptions of why each question doesn't match your current understanding of the topic. And check in on this forum from time to time to see if you can answer other people's questions. Then, finally, do one last pass of the K&B and Whizlabs mock exams, and hopefully you'll be all set for the actual SCJP.
Good luck, and all the best!
[ November 24, 2007: Message edited by: Kelvin Lim ]