Sameer Jamal:
You can look at the faculty position in several ways.
- You can use it as a stepping stone (better that working at a help desk) to that elusive first Java programming job.
- You can use it to further your understanding of Java and other related programming concepts.
One of the benefits of being a faculty member - is that your tuition is free. Perhaps going for an advanced degree or taking additional classes may help.
I would definitley recommend getting the SCJP2,
SCJA exams out of the way. I would recommend learning
J2EE (
Servlets / EJB /
JSP). Also, I would hit up the books on UML. Possible some Oracle database work.
You don't have to learn it all, but every little thing (IT related) that you can slap on the resume will further your cause.
In addition, since you would be a faculty could work on Java projects for some of the more senior professors. Companies will occaisionally come to the college with small projects...well, grab one of them. While completing the project, build your relationship with the company and get a real job with them.
The faculty position (I myself have a year of teaching) - helps, but it's not a good as actual work experience. BUT, it's definitely better than help desk experience.
And you can use it as a stepping stone for internships or small real-world projects (which DO count as real world experience).
If you do teach at the college...start preparing a portfolio of what you teach. Especially the course syllabus, your lecture notes, the sample projects.
Be prepared to outline the final course project when you go for the real-world interview later on down the road.
In my case - I write out either a stack or queue implemented via a linked list. I initially, write out the concept. Then the interface. Then the actual source code.
In doing so, I have totally left my competition in the dust - at least for the junior to mid level Java position that I am seeking.
John Coxey
[email protected])
[This message has been edited by John Coxey (edited May 12, 2001).]