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Inteview Tips

Ranch Hand
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Dear friends
I need some Interview tips from you. What type of questions Interviewer generally ask from java(core and advance) and Oracle? and how to answer them and what to do when we dont know the answer? can you please give me some tips.
Ranch Hand
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Some of the question i was asked
when i was interviewed for the job:
Be prepared on questions on
a bit of java.io
(seriaization / basics of rmi).
Questions on OO.
difference between Implementation and Interface inheritance
Problems with implementation inheritance.
some important interfaces in the java lib.

You can give the stack and vector inheritance problem seen in java.util design
Definitely questions on Thread(syncronize, wait , notify..)
design patterns questions happen to be a favourite with recruiters...especially if u have been working on java.
Singleton , factory, decorator , adapter , visitor etc. They w'd ask u to give examples (code).
Infact i was not interviewed on any web related stuff at all.
Some ask u to compare c++ and java as well.
function pointers in java.
Probably something on "servlet-centric" design and "page-centric" design.
Connection pools ..another favourite question.
Since i don't work on Ejbs, i have no idea as to what kind of questions are asked in that area. others can probably give u better tips.

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Sameer Jamal:
If you are interviewing in the USA - for a junior level Java position (less than 2 yrs experience). You can expect the following:
Your interview will consist of two parts: The first part will be the managerial type interview, the second part will be the technical interview.
If you passed the SCJP2 exam with 80% or better - you will be alright on the technical interview.
Where most folks end up messing up - is the managerial interview.
How important is the managerial interview, you ask? It is very - very important. Why? Because, it always occurs before the technical interview. And it's in the first 30 seconds of the interview that the hire/no-hire decision is made. Especially the decision to not-hire.
Example: I just interviewed last week with Raytheon Corporation here in Denver, CO. The interview consisted of 100% managerial style questions. NOT ONE TECHNICAL QUESTION WAS ASKED!!!
Why? Because I totally kicked butt on the managerial section. I expect an offer from these folks sometime next week.
Example: I had a phone interview with a 100 person dot-com in Pennsylvania on Wednesday. Received phone call today - am supposed to fly-out (from Denver, CO) next week for face-to-face interviews.
The phone interview started with the typical weather b.s. The interviewer asked me how I liked Colorado - I said fine. I immediately related my story of attending church (non-denominational so safe to mention at interview) at the US Air Force Academy two weeks ago - and seeing a herd of Elk right outside on the hill.
In doing this, I immediately established myself as WINNER!!!
Even before he asked his first question.
We then went over resume'. Guy kept asking me about the Academy. So instead of focusing on ME we focused on something else.
he said he had to ask a technical question. It was the classical "abstract class vs. interface". I gave my canned 45 second talk.
He then said, I would like to being you out to PA, let me check with HR and the Company Vice President.
SO BINGO!!! That's why I stress the managerial portion of the interview more than the technical side.
Here are some additional links that will clarify my position on this issue:
Links to my tips on interview prep and managerial vs technical:
Note: You may need to scroll down to see my responses/notes: http://www.javaranch.com/ubb/Forum37/HTML/000280.html http://www.javaranch.com/ubb/Forum37/HTML/000304.html
Links to my feelings about college: http://www.javaranch.com/ubb/Forum37/HTML/000247.html http://www.javaranch.com/ubb/Forum37/HTML/000248.html \
John Coxey
([email protected])
John Coxey
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Sameer Jamal
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Thanx a lot friends I will work upon these tips. I want some suggestion from u about a job that is for Java faculty. At present the condition of IT market is not good so I was not able to get a good job here in India. I've been offered a job of faculty can u suggest me to do it or not? will it be good for my future in s/w development? please give me the suggestions for that.
John Coxey
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Sameer Jamal:
You can look at the faculty position in several ways.
- You can use it as a stepping stone (better that working at a help desk) to that elusive first Java programming job.
- You can use it to further your understanding of Java and other related programming concepts.
One of the benefits of being a faculty member - is that your tuition is free. Perhaps going for an advanced degree or taking additional classes may help.
I would definitley recommend getting the SCJP2, SCJD, SCJA exams out of the way. I would recommend learning J2EE (Servlets / EJB / JSP). Also, I would hit up the books on UML. Possible some Oracle database work.
You don't have to learn it all, but every little thing (IT related) that you can slap on the resume will further your cause.
In addition, since you would be a faculty member...you could work on Java projects for some of the more senior professors. Companies will occaisionally come to the college with small projects...well, grab one of them. While completing the project, build your relationship with the company and get a real job with them.
The faculty position (I myself have a year of teaching) - helps, but it's not a good as actual work experience. BUT, it's definitely better than help desk experience.
And you can use it as a stepping stone for internships or small real-world projects (which DO count as real world experience).
If you do teach at the college...start preparing a portfolio of what you teach. Especially the course syllabus, your lecture notes, the sample projects.
Be prepared to outline the final course project when you go for the real-world interview later on down the road.
In my case - I write out either a stack or queue implemented via a linked list. I initially, write out the concept. Then the interface. Then the actual source code.
In doing so, I have totally left my competition in the dust - at least for the junior to mid level Java position that I am seeking.
John Coxey
([email protected])
[This message has been edited by John Coxey (edited May 12, 2001).]
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