Tony Alicea
Senior Java Web Application Developer, SCPJ2, SCWCD
John Coxey
Evansville, Indiana, USA
John Coxey
Evansville, Indiana, USA
Originally posted by neetu singh:
Hi Sravana and John
why should people have to take any test like GRE and others for H1-B visa if he/she has a 4 year technical degree.In other country he/she has a good qualification.I think all coutries should have same course pattern it's not good in US his/her qualifiaction is uder remark.
and plaese stop to make a comment on H1-B visa candidates
It's not good.
John Coxey
Evansville, Indiana, USA
Originally posted by steb:
Why the IT workers are not unionized? It's because they are too greedy to think about themselves as a whole.
They blame the congress for pro-immigration laws, they blame large and small corporations for bringing workers in, they even blame us Indian and Chinese programmers (who often work 12 and 14 hours a day as compared to an average 40-hours/week corporate coder Joe)! It is just amazing how some people are unable to recognize that they ought to look into a mirror to find the roots of their problems!
pardon me, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn...
Originally posted by Kristy McClure:
I have to say that I support H1B visas. I know from our own hiring attempts here that it is VERY difficult to find qualified candidates for any position. We brought people in to interview for 60K+ ASP positions, who claimed to have 2 years ASP experience... and who were unable to write any reasonable ASP code, or even to structure ASP appropriately, or even to pseudocode it. Other 'developers' who claimed to have done web-database systems were unable to write the simplest select statement. Hiring for this reason has been very difficult. DBAs are even more difficult to find, with some of the same kinds of issues (supposed DBAs not knowing how to perform backups, etc). We don't have enough local workers to fill these jobs -- my group at least was forced to hire a couple of really unqualified people, then spend a lot on training, just hoping that these people would have the aptitude and stick around long enough to make the training investment worthwhile. We're not even attempting to hire new Java people -- we're retrofitting the developers who are already here (which would be why I am here, ha ha).
Here, I haven't seen much difference in the quality of work put out by foreign employees on H1B visas, and domestic employees. Some are good and some are not so good. We do know, at least, that the H1B folks are ambitious in general and willing to take risks to find a good job, which is more than can be said for most run-of-the-mill American IT employees. The only difficulty is with communication skills... but those difficulties exist with American workers too.
As far as CS degrees and whatnot, I have to say that our best people categorically do NOT have CS degrees. We pay very little attention to whether someone has a graduate degree in CS, and much attention to the experience that can be DEMONSTRATED (as opoposed to 'claimed')in skills tests. A four-year degree in something is better than no degree... but of the best 2 people I can think of offhand we have had in this group, one had less than 1 year in an art college, and another came out of the military and went to some 18-month tech community college.
It's interest and motivation that seems to be the main determinant of success. That, and a brain of any nationality.
Required Technical Knowledge: WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Studio, VisualAge Java, Oracle 8i, PL/SQL, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets, EJB, Windows NT, Windows 2000 Server.
Sr. Developer w/team lead exp; client
server and Web Developer exp. 6 yrs
tech exp; 3 yrs tech lead or project
mgmt; 4-yr degree in computer
science or engineering discipline; full
lifecycle exp. Will be using C, C++,
JAVA, JavaScript, UNIX, Oracle, VB,
pardon me, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn...
Originally posted by neetu singh:
Hi Guys
what r u doing .the original topic was
good news all you guys ... job market on the rise !!!
and u guys r discussing about what---
H1-B visa and comments on it
Why r u tring to distract the original message.
just b'z I opened that message to read
good news all you guys ... job market on the rise !!!
and what I found a bull shit!!!
anyway have fun
just b'z I opened that message to read
This country is nothing without H1-Bs.
Because Americans doesn't know anything.
They are just B.... They have this problem because they are not appropriate for this work.
They can just enjoy parties...thats it.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
May as well throw im my two cents. I have absolutely no problem with the H1Bs. The problem I have is with the program. Corporate has lied and exagerated to congress in order to gain an increase of the amount of cheap labor that may be imported into this country.
Skills have little to do with it. The reason it is advantageous to hire an H1B over an American is that they are cheaper. We can leave who is more skilled out of the equation because I don't think that necessarily matters to many managers.
I totaly agree with the now oft reported claim that the programmer shortage is a myth. So what we are left with is a situation where corporations are trying to lower personnel costs. These are American jobs, and if there are Americans who are available to fill them, the job is theirs. It is wrong for American corporations, who enjoy all the benefit of our society, to not be hiring American citizens if they can, plain and simple. If the reasons behind the number of H1Bs brought into this country were valid, that would be one thing, but they are not. Our government and corporate America has done this country a grave disservice with the H1B ptogram. Being an optomist, I have to hope that they will come to their sense and scale back the program.
Again, let me emphasize, this is no reflection on the workers themselves. They are just doing what is best for them and their families. It is our government and our corporate greed that is soully to blame for this situation, not the H1B holders. If the people who are coming here to work were coming here to be permanent residents/citizens, I would also have less problem with that. Immigration has made our country what it is today. But sadly they are being brought here for only a short amount of time, which is the whole point and why they are cheaper labor. There is no such thing as long term benefits for the H1B holder. An American can not compete with the dollar value of an H1B, which is why the program must be re-evaluated.
Originally posted by Shah Vishal:
I know how americans have got their degrees. Here at our university in florida, students come to us and say they will pay 150-200$ for their data strutures programs. Forget about data structures they dont know simple c or c++ programs like calculating your gpa.....What do you call this??? Real degree with fake education.
Vishal Shah
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