Hi Everyone,
I have been following all the posts on this site and hope that I will get some advise on my next step.
I passed my B.E in electrical and electronics from madras India in 1992 and ever since have been working in the electrical industry, primarily the construction side of it, sometime in august'2000 i.e last year the software bug bit me since I heard of all my friends and classmates from college going to the US and other places earning in dollars.......etc.
I decided to enter the software industry since working as an electrical engineer in Dubai was not as lucrative as some of the new IT jobs a few of my classmates were doing in the US.
I realised I had 2 options either "networking" or "software development".
And ofcourse that time
JAVA was hot! so I bought a few books on JAVA and sat down to study after 2/3 months of striving hard I finally passed the
SCJP in December'2000, after which I travelled to India fom Dubai on vacation, there I was lucky(or I thought so!!)to find someone who promised a job in UK with a consultant provided I learnt
EJB,XML etc and also he said he would provide me with experience for a few months in India befor he sent me to UK, which was fair and looked good too.
After spending my vacation, a major portion of which I spent learning the basics of EJB,
JSP etc , I returned to Dubai in feb 2001 and decided to prepare for the SCEA-PART 1 exam. After slogging for 3 months I managed to clear the exam in May 2001. I immediately contacted the person in India who had promised me a job in UK, he said and is still saying that the job market in the Uk is still bad. Going by the events shown on CNN the job market is going to be slack for another 6 months or more so I am not trying to go anywhere and have not opened a book or written any code since past few weeks.
I do not know what to do now, any ideas???