I finished K&B and I am now re-reading it. Just to
test my knowledge I tried my luck on the
Sun's Assessment Exam and I got an embarrassing score of 27/42=64%
I still have 1.5 months to go before my exam and I guess from this time on I would be taking a lot of mocks and target at least 90% average as everybody suggests.
Anyway, as I have said in my subject, there is this one question in concurrency that really freaked me out. The choices for me seemed very impossible to obtain. Without using eclipse or running the code somewhere, I couldn't get the idea how the number printouts reach ..6 7 8.. as posted in the choices.
Also, what do you expect to print when you call this line,
System.out.print(" " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); It's supposed to print something like "Thread-0"... Isn't it? How come that
string doesn't exist in any of the choices..
I hope it's OK to post the question here...
I hope you can help me analyze this code. Thank you very much in advance.
[ August 14, 2008: Message edited by: Denise Saulon ]
[ August 14, 2008: Message edited by: Denise Saulon ]