Hi! I've been studying the basics of
Java using two For-Dummies books ("Java For Dummies 4th Ed." and the "Java For Dummies All-In-One Desk Reference 2nd Ed."). I'm interested in gaining more hands-on experience (so far I've been just reading for the most part) so I got yesterday the Java 2 book by Sierra & Bates. Actually, I've realized that preparing for a
SCJP wouldn't be a bad idea, since it will help me gain expertise with Java and become also more marketable. However, I've noticed that the book I got was a bit outdated, since now there is SCJP 5 and even a newer SCJP 6.
So, before I get started full steam, I wanted to make sure with experts:
1) should I go ahead and focus on the SCJP 6 exam (as opposed to older SCJP versions)?
2) is the SCJP 6 book by Sierra & Bates the best source to get it done?
3) is it ok to install and run Java SE 6 on a MacBook Pro? (so far I have Tiger, but it seems I'll have to upgrade the OS to Leopard to run it, is that right? Were there any problems reported for Java SE 6 on a Mac?)
Many thanks in advance!