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if you don't know, then ask. if you do know, then share. love is knowledge.
if you don't know, then ask. if you do know, then share. love is knowledge.
Originally posted by Thomas Whalen:
sorry about that, i didn't mean to offend you, if i did. i am very frustrated. i'd say that most of my frustration is my own doing, not having the proof in the way of workable programs or vast knowledge to sell myself.
For Norman Matloff, a computer science professor at the
University of California at Davis and a leading critic of the
H-1B program, the argument against the visas is more than
academic. Matloff said one student of his who graduated in
March with a solid B+ in computer science and engineering as
well as some industrial experience, a person with "all the right
things," still has not found a job.
"Employers are still hiring H-1Bs instead of him," said Matloff.
Thanks<br /> <br />Debanjana<br /> <br />SCJP2<br />SCEA
Originally posted by Debanjana Dasgupta:
An interesting article:
Why America continues to need H1B s
Last year, Congress raised the cap on visas granted to foreign workers to 195,000 from 115,000, largely to allow high-tech firms to fill jobs for which they could not find qualified Americans.
"There is something wrong when foreign workers are getting jobs in America because we failed to teach American graduates the skills," Paige said.
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Thanks<br /> <br />Debanjana<br /> <br />SCJP2<br />SCEA
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Originally posted by Daniel Dunleavy:
As I stated in posts before, I am aware of the use of H1-B people being used to reduce budgets in new hires and replacements. In a number of cases a large number of EXPERIENCED workers who were ALREADY WORKING for the company were replaced by cheaper H1-B people. These workers already had the experience in the technologies required and, in fact, had to train their replacements.
Originally posted by Lance Anderson:
I thought I�d interject that anyone who is paying H1-Bs less is doing so in violation of federal law.
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Originally posted by Lance Anderson:
And the IRS does audit employers on this. Are there abuses? I�m sure there are, but most of us live in such fear of any kind of government audit that we sure wouldn�t risk the six-figure fines to save a few bucks on payroll. Besides the INS is by far the most difficult government agency to deal with.
you may have to find a way to calm down yourself, otherwise you will just end up with upseting yourself everyday.
Please ignore post, I have no idea what I am talking about.
Originally posted by Ian Yang:
1. H1B policy is just a policy that allows companys to hire foreigners. The INS requires the company to search for a certain amount of time (usually ten business days) from applicants before it can choose a foreigner. So, it is not necessary to see your H1B coworkers have any exceptional superman skills. As long as no better native American people apply for the same position within ten business days. as for whether some company didn't really follow this rule, it is hard to tell. we don't know.
2. H1B policy does require the company pay at the same rate as they are supposed to pay a US worker. Now, whether the companies
really do that, it is hard to tell.
If we block the H1B policy simply because some companies don't strictly follow the rule, then what policy can we keep ? Any polic may be taken advantage of by some party. For example, certain wines can't be sold to people under certain age but some stores do violoate this rule, and cause some problem for some people/family, what can we do ? we can just take away their license but we can't close other stores. So, if you find your company is illegally manipulating the H1B policy, you can gather some evidence and sue them.
Originally posted by Debanjana Dasgupta:
An interesting article:
Why America continues to need H1B s
Originally posted by Daniel Dunleavy:
I believe that companies easily skirt the H1B issue by using a unique laundry list of skills which on fit a certain candidate, or post the job with low pay. Most US workers will not apply to the low paying job, so the company can say it tried but had to hire an H1B because he was the only guy who showed up.
Originally posted by Rich Brockway:
Why is my background an issue? In this case, the facts are the only things that matter. There never was a real programmer shortage.
Even when the economy was strong, US companies could have brought in more entry level workers. I have seen people who have attended nine month "technical training" programs for programming who cannot get jobs. When there was a "shortage" of programmers, why were these people overlooked? What about the individuals who graduated from the community colleges with two-year degrees in IS/CS/CIS? According to the "shortage" propaganda, each and every one got programming jobs. I highly doubt that was really the case. It would be hard to prove 100% of those people were actually employed.
Your point is taken about the discrimination issue. However, I do not see hiring H1-B workers as promoting ethnic diversity. If anything, it hurts. Instead of bringing in American minorities, they bring in foreigners.
In the case of the consulting companies, I think one of the main reasons they hire H1-B workers is because they will work cheaply.
I work as an H1B and make much more than the stated averages. I was not an endentured survant. I also provided value that you cannot get out of a 9 month devry training program. Suggesting that there was not a shortage of IT people runs against what many recruiters and employers are still saying. Having said this, the H1B program is full of problems. For a goverment that claims to be family first, it comes as a surprise that H1B treats family members as unwanted bagage.
Author of <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672324261/ref=jranch-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Ant Developer's Handbook</a>
Originally posted by Kirk Pepperdine:
Suggesting that there was not a shortage of IT people runs against what many recruiters and employers are still saying.
Originally posted by Kirk Pepperdine:
Having said this, the H1B program is full of problems. For a goverment that claims to be family first, it comes as a surprise that H1B treats family members as unwanted bagage.
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Originally posted by sonny kher:
yeah right, how about i give you a dozen links that say there are hundreds of thousands of unfilled position in IT? ofcourse they will be pre-2001. times change my friend and soon enough they will change again.
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