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Need Urgent Help Using Tyrex and JTA

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I am unable to find any sample code for using Tyrex's Transaction Manager and the JTA API. Can anyone help me here? There are a few things I need help with, but if you can help me on any of them that would be huge!
  • Setting up / Configuring Tyrex
  • Adding MS SQL as DataSource (and Transaction Domain? It's not clear what that means exactly) (I have the beta JDBC driver from MS)
  • Writing Code to execute a DB statement inside a transaction
  • Writing Code to make an object I create participate in a transaction, i.e. you can rollback setting something on my object. e.g. if you an object MyObject had a default "age" of 10 and you called MyObject.setAge( 25 ); and then called trans.rollback(); and then MyObject.getAge() it would return 10.

  • I looked on for some info on using transactions but it appears that they do NOT want to promote Java developers learning the transaction API in that depth. Rather, they'd prefer that you only use the JTA as a client, e.g. through EJB Containers. Does anyone know of some tutorials or something on this stuff any where? I want to write my own transactionable objects/system but there's almost no info anywhere. And Tyrex's website has next to nothing in help too!
    - Robert
    +Pie Number of slices to send: Send
    Moving to "Other API's".
    The moustache of a titan! The ad of a flea:
    a bit of art, as a gift, that will fit in a stocking

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