posted 21 years ago
Hello Praveen,
like Gregg, I also don't know of such a library, and in addition, I do not believe that such a library exists. If you want the Word-doc directly converted into PDF, with the same layout, in fact you want to "print" the document to a PDF-destiller, PDF-Writer or such a thing.
A possibility could be to use OpenOffice; it has got Java-API's, and it's more secure than POI, which in fact is a bit alpha... Nevertheless, the OpenOffice Java API's are a bit confusing to handle with. There are some examples given, with these it is quite easy to convert for example .doc to .txt (and then using a PDF-Library). But again, that's not what you want, as far as I have understood.
Maybe the OpenOffice forums are a good place to ask some people there if the API's offer the possibility to "print" programmatically (to a destiller or such thing).
Hope it helps
[ October 20, 2003: Message edited by: Detlev Beutner ]