I would ask (and as well expect to be asked) questions about general system architecture, what did you do at your last projects and WHY did you choose to do it that way and not the other. This will give them an idea of how broad your understanding of systems architecture is.
Also expect a questions starting with HOW. If a person you interviewing with thinks you are are of a junior-to-mid level, they might ask you HOW would you code this or the other. The top on my dummy-meter is "How would you code a bubble (or some other type) sort?" or "How would you create a linked list (this is more from C++)". If they think you are mid-to-senior level, they might ask "How would you go about designing a system if you need a web interface, store info in the database and do some processing (information might vary)", i.e. be prepared to explain how n-tier architecture works and how does one server communicate with the other (TCP/IP, ports, RFCs etc.). Usually they just "glance" to see if you understand, not if you have a deep knowledge.
A question I've seen pop up a few times: "What is
polymorphism (inheritance)".
[edit: comments below]
On second thought, if it is a phone interview, I doubt they'll go deep into your projects and architecture, because you'd usually need a paper or whiteboard for that.
Try these then
1. How would you access a database from Java app or
JSP page
2. Give definitions of a) table keys; b) Join, inner or outer (left or right, whatever database you are familiar with); c) what would you use to pass data from database back to program; d) what is connection pooling
3. What are the differences between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator (this if you are going for web developer position)
Oh, and be prepared to answer these, if it you are interviewing with a dummy-HR person:
1. What are your strengths and weaknesses
2. Describe your boss, your coworker and yourself in one
word (one word for each, I've been asked that??!!???!! :roll: )
3. Do you prefer to work alone or in a team (and why)
Good Luck
[ May 08, 2002: Message edited by: Shura Balaganov ]