SCJP 1.4 (88%)<br />SCWCD 1.4 (88%)
Piscis Babelis est parvus, flavus, et hiridicus, et est probabiliter insolitissima raritas in toto mundo.
SCJP 1.4 (88%)<br />SCWCD 1.4 (88%)
SCJP 1.4 (88%)<br />SCWCD 1.4 (88%)
Thanks Friend,
But i'm not using tht POP3 thing
SCJP 1.4 (88%)<br />SCWCD 1.4 (88%)
SCJP 1.4 (88%)<br />SCWCD 1.4 (88%)
SCJP 1.4 (88%)<br />SCWCD 1.4 (88%)
SCJP 1.4 (88%)<br />SCWCD 1.4 (88%)
We must know, we will know. -- David Hilbert
We must know, we will know. -- David Hilbert
0. lots of the code discussed above looks like I have access to the System.out, i.e. someone is running this code on their local machine. I am trying to run the code on a remote server. how can i redirect all that output to some txt file on the tomcat
1. How can I telnet the from machine? i know how to telnet servers from the dos prompt on my machine. how can i do that from a remote machine.
2. I am sure there are some proxy servers between the these two domains as they are in diferrent continents.
3. I added
to my code, it says debug messages will go to System.out stream. I do not run the code on my local machine, so i cannot see what it prints on there dos window. hoe can I tell in the code to redirect the debug message to some log file on the remote server.
4. how do I write "Connection and Transport Handlers which log events properly". it is not discussed above.
5. Why I call message.saveChanges();
I dont know, it was in the code I took from the sun's site. the remark says not to forget to do that. funny ha.
Doc says: "Updates the appropriate header fields of this message to be consistent with the message's contents."
I am not really sure why the message object has header fields and what they are for. is it something like http headers.
6. it is very intersting for me to know if they really knew what they are talking about when they told me the does not require username+password to use it from remote servers. it seems impossible for me to find this situation on a commercial server.
We must know, we will know. -- David Hilbert
1. the tomcat logs directory is empty. why so if you say tomcat by default logs to a file in the logs directory.
2. existsing telnet session. I know nothing about that.
3. I can telnet the server. I get
4. I guess there are proxy servers. Is there anyway I can send emails from java code running on the remote server without using their local host smtp server ???
can i install my own smtp server on this domain.
5. an answer to you question: I develop on my local machine but the app is supposed to run on a remote machine (a commercial server). the app lets clients upload files to the server and I do not want that head ache on my local machine.
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