On your way in you may have missed that we have a policy on screen names here at JavaRanch. Since yours does not conform with it, please take a moment to chnage it, which you can do right here.
As regards your question, what is the problem you're facing in adding the two buttons? You have added them to the GUI, now you need to handle them in the actionPerformed method.
BTW, I've added CODE tags to your post. They maintain the formatting, making it much easier to read code. You'll find the "CODE" button underneath the input field when you post a message.
Thanks for changing your screen name. Unfortunately, it's still not what is required, which is a real(-sounding) first and last name. Please change it accordingly.
As to the applet, java.applet.AudioClip is based on com.sun.media.sound.JavaSoundAudioClip on recent JVMs. That does not support forward/backward out of the box (or even restarting at the point where it got stopped) either. There are hints (in the startImpl method) that it is principally possible to navigate to an arbitrary position in the playback, but unless you feel like mucking around with JDK-internal classes, I think you're out of luck. [ January 25, 2006: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
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