Hi, hope you can help me out with some Grails problem.
I have a domain based in
FDD project management model, something like this:
Project hasMany SubjectAreas
SubjectArea hasMany BusinessActivities
BusinessActivity hasMany Features
(Note: I'm using Subject Area instead of Major Feature Set as it had been discussed at
www.featuredrivendevelopment.com forums By Mr. De Luca)
After executing "grails generate-all" command over all domain model classes i have a pretty and functional web site with all CRUD operations for all classes (but you all know grails does that!, don't you?)...
i'm just having one little detail, after having code generated, i start adding a project and i have the "Add Subject Area" link in the Edit project page, i follow the link and add several subject areas for the project (project is selected in one dropdown), If i select the Edit Subject Area button i don't have an "Add business activity" link, i know this is easy to implement, i just think it is important to mention it, maybe is part of a problem in my domain classes, altought, i have constraints and belongsTo [Project, SubjectArea] relation.
But my real problem starts when i go to add a business activity for a newly created subject area.
in Create and Edit Business Activity pages, i can select a project with Subject Areas of other project, so i'm looking to do an onchange event filter 'cause they won't get filtered after a simple code generation.
Can i have the aforementioned filter for dropdowns right after a code generation using some sort of constraint or other stuff?.
If code generation doesn't make something like child-dropdown-filter-from-parent-onchange-event then, what do you think is a good strategy to do this? is there an example of this cascading Dropdowns
Thanks in advance.