Hi All,
I am using a class "CustomValidate.java" in my application. As it is one of the ResultClass (
Struts), I have implemented the Serializable interface in the "CustomValidate.java". But still it throws java.io.Serialization exception?
I read from the net that all the class referred inside the Serializable class also needs to implement the Serializable interface to make the object Serializable.
My question is; The "CustomValidate.java" referring two (only following two lines) such external class in a method like the following:
Keys.FirstName (accessing a constant value from Keys.java)
Util.format(FirstName) (Calling a method which is in Util.java)
Does this classes "Keys.java" and "Util.java" also needs to implement the Serializable interface? Please suggest.
Thanks in advance.
[ February 22, 2006: Message edited by: ashok sashrith ]