Most likely questions you are going to get are :
Servlets and JSP
difference between servlet and a jsp?/..when to use one over another??
MVC Architecture, difference between model 1 and model 2??
life cycle of a servlet and a jsp?
difference between include tag and include directive?/
difference between forward and redirect??
what are the different ways of session handling ??..which is the preferred one?? and why??
different scopes in JSP?
how do you deploy a web application in weblogic?/..the directory structure etc
difference between managed server and adminstered server in weblogic?
why ejb??
difference between session bean and entity bean??
difference between stateful and stateless session bean??
difference between container managed and beanmanaged persistence??
what's new in ejb 2.0?
expect some questions on databases and
JDBC and be quite through with the projects that you've put you on ur resume..bulk of the questions will revolve around this.
Best of Luck