posted 18 years ago
Hi' this is really makes me feel so upset. Why every time i try to execute WindowsExec file.
There's no error in code but the output not correctly. : : : :
This is the illustration :
1. Execute WindowsExec
2. Maintest executed from WindowsExec. (see WindowsExec source).
3. Display the output.
The output should be like this : (see maintest source to check)
1. Print Insert : and wait input from user.
2. User write some input and press enter.
3. Read input from user and display it.
4. Program terminate.
But what i got, the output are like this : (this is not correctly)
1. Wait input from user. (see maintest source,the firstline should be print "Insert :",not waiting some input).
2. User write some input and press enter
3. print Insert : and read input from user and display it.
4. Program terminate.
Why the output become like that? (Conversation between WindowsExec and maintest not correctly).
Insert : should appear in the first line of the output.
How to get the right conversation between WindowsExec and maintest?
I hope my question easy to understand.
[ December 07, 2006: Message edited by: hudoq Dee ]