Here's a rough sketch for creating a set of folders ...
// The main routine says ...
call createPath "one/two/three/four"
// The createPath method does something like ...
separate "one" from "two/three/four"
create directory "one"
call createPath "two/three/four"
When createPath calls itself we get recursion. The second time it will separate "two" from "three/four", create two, call itself again with "three/four". I didn't show a
test in createPath to say when there's nothing left on the end simply return without calling itself. You do need that!
Are you ok with breaking up the
string "one/two/three/four" into "one" and "two/three/four"? Are you ok with creating one directory? Give it a shot, post some code, show us where you are stuck.
[ March 20, 2007: Message edited by: Stan James ]