I got the solution my self
I request the author of this site must keep this as a FAQ's in
JDBC section
This problem is the most frequesnt one.
I am explaining it again
when ever we copy the data from microsoft
word document to Textarea of HTML page then the single Quotes(') and double Quotes (") will be changed to some other ASCII char
so, In the
servlet we take the request from the user using
String data=request.getParameter("textarea");
char ch1=(char)146;//here 146 is the ASCII code of singleQuote(singlequote of ms word not an actual single quote)
char ch[] =new char[]{ch1};
StringBuffer sb1=new StringBuffer();
String token=new String(ch);
StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(data,token);
sb1.append(st1.nextToken() +"\'");
System.out.println(sb1.toString());//here it diplays actual single quote
after getting the actual single quote we can then insert the data into database(table).
In the same way we need to convert the doubleQuote with it's ASCII code.
I hope you will accept my request.
Thanking you sir,