the breadcrumb and header are dynamic, based on the page's nodeId. after doing the database hits for the breadcrumb, the html gets dynamically built and then stored in a
that string is returned by calls to the get method for the string variable. i'm new to
java, coming from a scripting background (tcl, php) where i'm used to having libraries for all of my functions to handle the dynamic parts of the highly reused elements of the site. it seems like a hack to me to use an object for something (header, breadcrumb) when all you are ever interested in is returning the html for a nav element. this is what got me thinking, maybe i should just use one class, perhaps call it siteElements, that has all class methods to handle the returning of dynamic html -- sort of functioning like a library.
after seeing your post, i read up on struts, but i'm not quite ready yet to embark on another new thing before i'm a little more sound on the new thing i'm already tackling.