I am able to call .jsp file from my system ONLY ONCE (the very 1st time), after its creation. Our JSP-server is TOMCAT-Server 3.2.1 which is located in another machine(our network server -Win2000 ). If I modified the .jsp file from my system & downloaded into TOMCAT-Server 3.2.1, I am not getting the refreshed/latest version. I don't know why my jsp-server is not refreshing it. All the PCs are getting the old version of JSPs. I have tried all the solutions & means from tips in this website. Please assist me urgently. Your help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Neo
I know that there's a setting in Tomcat in which it won't recompile (gives better performance on sites where the pages aren't expected to change - Tomcat doesn't have to check date/time stamps for recompilation). Check to see if that setting is on. (I remember that it exists, though I'm having trouble finding it in the documentation at the moment.) Also see the ReloadInterceptor documentation at http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-3.3-doc/serverxml.html#ReloadInterceptor
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I think I got a solution. Check your PC system time & your TOMCAT server system time. If your TOMCAT server system time is much forward than your PC system time. The server will always run the server JSP copy (old copy) because PC JSP copy is much earlier due to the timestamp checking by TOMCAT server. Assume that development is done on PC & download into TOMCAT server to compile. Anyway, thanks a lots, folks Bye-bye.
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