Mark Kevin wrote:chapter 5, page 283
In the box at the bottom of the page I believe a semicolon is missing.
Should be:
{ new Cat("Bilbo"), new Cat("Legolas"), new Cat("Bert")} };
The case constant must be a literal or final variable, or a constant expression, including an enum or a String.
nick woodward wrote:Page 361:
The case constant must be a literal or final variable, or a constant expression, including an enum or a String.
Doesn't it have to be a compile time constant, not just a final variable?
Javier Garcia wrote:At page 28 at exam watch there is missing semicolon
static final int x = 1
must be
static final int x = 1;
Tomasz Kamiński wrote:I found logic mismatch on page 892 in deleteRow() method section:
"When a ResultSet can detect deletions, the deleted row is removed from the ResultSet. When the ResultSet cannot detect deletions, the columns of the ResultSet row that was deleted are made invalid by setting each column to null."
Should be:
"When a ResultSet cannot detect deletions, the deleted row is removed from the ResultSet. When the ResultSet can detect deletions, the columns of the ResultSet row that was deleted are made invalid by setting each column to null."
Tomasz Kamiński wrote:Bad example for class name, page 914, code sample on the bottom:
(...) RowSetProvider.newFactory("com.example.MyRowSetProvider", null);
Should be:
(...) RowSetProvider.newFactory("com.example.MyRowSetFactory", null);
Youwei Lu wrote:Found a mistake in OCA Objective 8.0: Question 8 (Handling Exceptions)
Additionally, the resulting path has redundant name elements removed.
5.1.7. Boxing Conversion
Boxing conversion converts expressions of primitive type to corresponding expressions of reference type. Specifically, the following nine conversions are called the boxing conversions:
From type boolean to type Boolean
From type byte to type Byte
From type short to type Short
From type char to type Character
From type int to type Integer
From type long to type Long
From type float to type Float
From type double to type Double
From the null type to the null type
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