Hi all I have a problem with JSP pages... Every time a JSP page is accessed... it just uploads the previous version of the page. meaning... it is not getting refreshed. Is there any way to ensure that it is refreshed before it is loaded?? Pls help [ April 08, 2002: Message edited by: Sridhar M S ]
I think u can do this way try it out. When u load the JSP page u can call a javascript function which consists od window.refresh() command.
U try with this source code. Include the below code in u'r jsp page. //Javascripty code function loadrefresh() { window.refresh(); } call this function in body tag on onload attribute
Hi Sridhar, The better option is to use the code suggested by David since it will not allow that page to be cached at all and you can ensure that it will not load from cache. The problem using javascript is that 1. it will refresh the page only after the page is loaded once. 2. It does not always ensure that page will not be loaded from cache.