OK, there are several ways to do this. There is the quick way, and there is the (architecturally) correct way.
Being as how you have very little time to do this I suggest the quick way
There is not difference in accessing your
EJB from a JSP page, than accessing it from a standalone application (which I assume you have done).
Here are (broadly) the steps:
1) Create you initial context
Context context = new InitialContext();
2) Lookup your bean
Object obj= context.lookup("JNDI NAME");
BeanHome home=(BeanHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,BeanHome.class);
3) Create your bean
Bean bean = home.create();
4) Use your bean
5) Remember to catch the relevant exceptions (NamingException, CreateException, RemoteException etc)
And that should be that. To do it in a better way, check out the J2EE
Patterns for alternative methods.
Hope this helps