Originally posted by Ricardo Cortes:
Here's a link to the Java Community Process page that controls the publishing of the JSTL specification. They are going to vote on the final draft May 17:
Also, "More Servlets and JSPs" by Marty Hall has a chapter devoted to the topic.
Hi there. I'm the reference-implementation lead for JSTL. The Proposed Final Draft for JSTL, which is, in all important ways, equivalent to the final draft, is available from
http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl/ The reference implementation is available through Jakarta Taglibs at
http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/standard-doc/intro.html and is essentially finalized in preparation for the 1.0 release at the end of the month.
By the way, I'm also the author of an upcoming book on JSTL, so I'm hardly unbiased -- but while "More Servlets and JSPs" is a great book, its JSTL chapters cover only a very early draft of the standard tag library, and the spec has changed and
added dozens (perhaps hundreds) of new features since then. JSTL now provides tags for XML processing, text importing, database access, internationalization, and number/date formatting. It also includes a new, standard expression language that will become the core of the
JSP 1.3 expression language. My book, and the O'Reilly one, will cover all these features; the older books are already quite out of date.
[ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: Shawn Bayern ]