You lost me with the explanation. You have three pages:
The first is a bunch of rows that the user can search and change?
The second is a search form that the user enters a query into and searches the rows from the first page?
The third page is a popup that shows the results of the search?
Let me know if I'm way off base...
Anyway, once the HTML page is displayed to the user in their browser everything else that happens must happen client side unless you make another round trip to the server. To open a popup window as you described you are using javascript. In javascript that only way to pass information between windows is to use either variables in the javascript or hidden form fields on the pages themselves.
You can either pass all of the data to the new window and populate a form that is show there that fiorm is then submitted to the server to update the database or you can have the popup window change a flag in the parent window (the 'opener' in javascript) that the server examines to see if that row gets updated or not.
Using the request or respone is not an option because you are not doing any of it server side - unless I realy misunderstood your description. If your problem is storing things server side between trips to the client then you are only able to use the session or the servletContext, unless you are going to create your own flat file sor DB entry to do it.
hope that helps a little bit, if not please explain your situation better for me, I'm a little slow sometimes