Zac Roberts<br />SCJP2
Originally posted by Axel Janssen:
can you tell a little bit about the examples in your book? Found the information at amazon a little scarce.
How does it relate to the Manning book about tag-libraries. Does it have a similar focus?
Just want to mention that I really like your writing style. I have assembled some training stuff for servlet/jsp. The web-app design discussion was easy to write using your chapter of servlets 2.3 as solid foundation.
Originally posted by Ren Li:
Hi Simon,
Nice to meet you here again. Your advices about MVC Model2 helped me a lot, but I hesitated to use Struts and Taglib in my project because of performance concern. Could you please tell from your experience how much Taglib or Struts might impact the performance? Thanks.
Originally posted by Zac Roberts:
It seems that the books focus is on creating Tab Libraries from scratch. Do you think that it is better to take the time to create your own custom tags then use 3rd party solutions? Maybe it just depends on the type and scope of the project.
chanoch<p><a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1861007736/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Author of Professional Apache Tomcat</a></p>
Originally posted by chanoch wiggers:
I find that this makes the tag less reusable and that breaking it down to the component parts improves the reusability.
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep
Raj<br />Sun Certified Java Programmer
Originally posted by Ruilin Yang:
I program JSP and mostly using java beans or help classes to separate logic and presentation.
My question is what are guidelines when we should use java-beans and when we should use Tags ? What is the best pattern of using the combination ?
Originally posted by Rajeev Nair:
Welcome Simon !
Do you have some sample chapters from your book to look at?
Originally posted by Steffy Sing:
Hi Simon,
I have a question. Sometimes when i using <jsp:include/>, it's work in window platform but it's not work in Linux. Why?
Zac Roberts<br />SCJP2
<a href="http://www.jobklub.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.jobklub.com</a><br /> 'Add Job To Life'
Originally posted by hanumanth reddy:
How to write a iterate tag for the rowset datatype ?
Originally posted by urarom sogard:
Hi Simon! What's your opinion about XSLT?
==================================<br />If you choose not to decide,<br />you still have made a choice.<br />==================================
Originally posted by John Boyce:
Hi Simon,
I think I could benefit from this book. I am involved heavily with tagslibs right now. Good to see you in the JavaRanch!
[ September 13, 2002: Message edited by: John Boyce ]
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