Hello everyone, I am using Tomcat-4.0.4 on NT4. I would like to do an NT authentication and I am not sure where to start. Any help, pointers, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Lana.
Hi!I dont think that u can get the NT login in tomcat coz we tried it many times But finally ended up using a asp page which retrives the nt login & then redirects to a jsp page.Sorry 4 u.
Originally posted by Vedhas Pitkar: Hi!I dont think that u can get the NT login in tomcat coz we tried it many times But finally ended up using a asp page which retrives the nt login & then redirects to a jsp page.Sorry 4 u.
Vedhas, please try to reduce the contractions in you posts. It just reduces understanding thanks, Dave.
To Ruilin Yang: Unfortunately I am not "ok". NT login ID matches an ID in one of the user tables. I need to prepopulate the form with user information by recognizing him in this manner: extract NT id, put it into a variable and query the user table where user_id = 'StringNTid'; Thanks for everybody's input. Lana.
Sorry David.But my boss roams around these days So i try to keeps the messages short & sweet. Zac Have u tried it with different NT machines?Because i think that the user.name() returns the name of the machine on whose JVM the code is currently running.We tried it but didnt work for us.Different machines ,that is.