I really enjoyed:
- "Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages"; and
- "More Servlets and JavaServer Pages"
I read the first one before my Sun SL-314 course and the next one afterwards.
Both are by Marty Hall and are published by Prentice Hall/PTR (www.phptr.com) in a Sun Microsystems Press-endorsed series.
The books give really good ground-up coverage of the Servlet and JSP arenas, pitched at a level I would imagine you will be comfortable with if you're posting to this forum.
The first book is available FREE in its entirety as a PDF at
www.coreservlets.com. all the code for both books can be downloaded from there as well.
Marty Hall seems to have a pretty successful Java training career, which I'd take as a fair market endorsement of his capabilities as a teacher and author.
Best of luck,