Originally posted by Nikhil Deshpande:
[QB]This is my story.
Since it is a Big Indian company, you are going to get free time , (I can't think of any big indian company where late night
pattern is followed), Chances of getting a long term client end oportunity is high ... so you don't need to worry about Indian salary thing as you might be getting salary at the client end.
Moreover, there are several companies in India, which gives 125-150% weightage to the experience in Big companies, and around 50-65% weightage to experience in smaller, lesser known company (irrespective of what you work upon)hence after leaving the bigger company you can gain better on salary and role.
But the chance of getting a good work in bigger company is low whereas in smaller you can learn more things. Flexibility will be there.You will get chance to implement things from scratch (wherever in bigger companies things are now streamlined more or less).
So find out your priorities, there is no hard and fast rule like big is better and small is bad or vice versa.
Its all your decision, take your time & make it and importantly prove it to be a right one

[ November 28, 2003: Message edited by: V�r�n Kha�n� ]