Face Off.
Piscis Babelis est parvus, flavus, et hiridicus, et est probabiliter insolitissima raritas in toto mundo.
I'm not going to be a Rock Star. I'm going to be a LEGEND! --Freddie Mercury
Asher Tarnopolski
Asher Tarnopolski
Originally posted by Amy Moonser:
I'm not sure if I can agree with ColdFusion MX. It is much much much much (well, you get the picture) better than the previous CF - but I'm not sure if I'd use this over Java. Depends on what you wish to do. BTW, with Flash Remoting - it's not as simple or well documented as it should be. Macromedia really *needs* to improve in this area - hopefully Red Sky can fix many of the previous bugs.
Originally posted by Ron Perich:
That being said, I don't think it is a great language for large applications. It is similar to any sequential language - it does not promote code reuse so developing and maintaining large sites could be difficult. I can't tell you how many times I used the same lines of code throughout each of my pages to connect to the DB, etc. (If there was a way to reuse this, I didn't know about it).
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Scalability: Neither Perl nor PHP can scale the way Servlet/JSP solutions can for one simple reason... application servers. I can run my servlet/jsp application on 20 servers with high usage parts of my application distributed to more servers than low usage parts. I can add new servers with ease. I can get failover. I get all this without writing a line of code.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
Finally!! Someone gives an explination of the term Scalability. Thanks Tom. About time you chime in.![]()
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
Face it, PHP is superior in all real world aspects, and our lives have been wasted learning Java.
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
This doesn't make it superior. It just makes it AS GOOD.![]()
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
And what language did they rececently convert to???
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
When I do a search on yahoo, I see /bin/ not php.
You're pointing out another plus for PHP; you can set up options in the initialization file (php.ini) so that when pages are returned they do not have the .php extension.
Ron Newman - SCJP 1.2 (100%, 7 August 2002)
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
JSP is so pathetic javaranch doesn't even use it!
Ha Ha, javaranch doesn't use jsp for its forums, ROFL LMAO
In a few years JSP will be as dead as the one-eyed moose, killed by
PHP and .NET.
[ July 29, 2003: Message edited by: herb slocomb ]
Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
Now, speaking as a Bartender, one sentence in the opening post in this thread I would like to point out:
My question is not one of Which is better but more a question of what can JSP/Servlets do that PHP can't or can't as easily
Originally posted by herb slocomb:
What PHP can do that JSP "can't as easily" :
PHP can execute faster (3-4 times faster).
PHP can be developed faster (2-3 times faster).
Yahoo does not use PHP. They use PHP for some trivial internal work that they used to use some specialized scripting. They do not use it for their search pages. PHP sucks. I have used it. It has no transactional support. No asynchronous messaging capability. No built-in security features. It is pathetic for mission critical applications. Trying to split php into a Model 2, MVC architecture is an excercise in futility.Originally posted by herb slocomb:
In any event, the fact that the world's most heavily traficced web site uses php should put aside most arguments against php not being scalable. In the prior article I cited there were also other large companies with large web sites using PHP. The growth rate of PHP continues to soar while jsp stagnates with modest growth (or even begins to lose market share to .NET).
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
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So I left, I came home, and I ate some pie. And then I read this tiny ad:
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