Thanks Bill and David,
I am loading the Properties file using a static method of a custom class called PropertyLoader, this is an opensource code that I am using, which laods the file as Resource bundle as follows. I call this static method from my JSP to get the Properties file.
The files are located inside package hierarchy. In my JSP I get the Properties file object using this said static method. Once I am done using the Properties file I set it to null. I have also disabled caching of my JSP. Infact my single JSP does the following:
1. Displays a list of property files available (read from another property file), set this properties file obejct to null after populating the combolist.
2. When use select a file display below (frame like fashion, but actually done without using frames and in the same JSP using query strings) the properties with checkboxes; set this properties file object to null.
3. Display the form with editable values for chosen property, ; set this properties file object to null.
4. Submit this form to a
servlet that modifies the property file, confirm changes and give a back-hyperlink to (1) page.
The property file names are passed as hidden form field. After I edit the file the changes are saved however the new property file is not loaded.
[ December 15, 2003: Message edited by: Yash Sharma ]