Hello All, In my application i have two forms.After filling first form i can go to second form by pressing next button.after filling the second form when click next button all the information in first form and second form will be displayed.In this page there are two edit buttons corresponding to each form information.If i click edit button corresponding to form1 i should go to form1 and the form should contain all the information previously filled.same case with form2 information edit button. My question basically is how can we go back to the form that we already filled by clicking edit button on some other page of the application.(the form should contain all the information previously filled)
I would greately appreciate your help if you can provide me some tips. Thanks, PR
Hi There are two ways of doiong it: 1) Maintain the data in Hidden fields and carry it to the next jsp and on edit back to the previous jsp. Messy right .. but it works.. 2) Maintain the form data in session and update on each edit. -Saurabh