I have a requirement to save a Web page to an MHT file using
jsp I got it in asp but I dont know how to convert into jsp
this is some ASP code I have to convert this into jsp
------------------------ASP starts here-------------------------------------
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
' *****************************************************
' ASP script to save a Web page to an MHT file.
' *****************************************************
set mht= Server.CreateObject("ChilkatMHT.ChilkatMHT")
mht.UnlockComponent "UnlockCode"
'***** Get the actual Web Page ******
'**http://www.codeproject.com is the web page to be converted****
'**codeproject.mht is the name of the converted mht file****
mht.GetAndSaveMHT "http://www.codeproject.com",Server.MapPath ("codeproject.mht")
response.write "Saved Codeproject! Home Page"
set mht = nothing
-----------------ASP end---------------------------------------------------
here im using the product of chilkatmht if you know any other product please let me know.
If you have any other idea to convert a web page into mht using
java please let me know