cheers,<br />Anandh
how will the complexity of a system using jsp change if it is transferred to struts?
Originally posted by Damanjit Kaur:
I would prefer struts in case of a big application but for smaller one JSP seems better.
Originally posted by Damanjit Kaur:
The complexity is solved mainly thru the use of validation framework in struts where you can specify all common validation in one file and use that in any jsp form with struts code,thereby reducing the html code and also java script/jsp code for validations in each html/jsp file and making the jsp file look simpler and more readable.
No more rhymes! I mean it!<br /> <br />Does anybody want a peanut?
I haven't heard this before. You are the only one saying this to me.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Count me in as not a big fan of Struts. Love the idea, but am not impressed with the implementation of that idea.
cheers,<br />Anandh
Originally posted by David Sappia:
Validation in Struts is made mainly with a xml file. That's really nice, and you can even define different files for different languages. The validations you specify (for example in JavaScript if you want to make validation in the client side) in that file can be used in different JSPs, but are stored in a single file!
It's like the flow control, its specified in a single xml file, struts-config...
Originally posted by Adeel Ansari:
I think you are talking about server-side validation.
Originally posted by David Sappia:
Hi again!
Now Im a little confused. In fact I havent used a lot the Validator so I think Im probably confusing things: that JavaScript code that is in validator-rules.xml is for being inserted in JSPs pages, and therefore for client side validation, isnt it? That was what I thought, now I am not sure!
Thank you in advance! :-)
XML should be configuration data and persistent storage, but not code.
And I think even without using struts validation mechanism we can write all our js validation functions in one javascript file.
Originally posted by Joseph Hatton:
If you think Struts is complex, you haven't seen JSF(Java Server Faces). The learning curve of JSF is higher than Struts. JSF framework concept is totally different than Struts in that the components are tied directly the the form and higher abstactions like actionListener, dataTables, changeListeners, action,
So please if you make a blanket generalization, I would appreciate that you clarify and state your reasoning behind your claim. I expect statements like that from green horns like me.
I've used both Struts and JSF and I found JSF a lot easier to get a quick handle on.
No more rhymes! I mean it!<br /> <br />Does anybody want a peanut?
Originally posted by Jeroen Wenting:
Struts tries to do too much.
It also does way too much through obscure XML files and custom libraries which cannot be easily omitted or replaced by something else (their custom tag lib for example which is an almost one for one replication of JSTL).
--One learns a lot during a lesson but seeing is not enough,you must do;knowing is not enough ,you must apply--<br />SCJP 1.4,SCBCD,SCEA part 1,OCM JEE Enterprise Architect.
Originally posted by chinedu efoagui:
i want to know if the struts framework provides skins .
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