Surely you can populate select box without rePOSTing, but it is non trivial task.
you must do the following things but I will not describe details.
Actually, I want to scare you out of such kind a solution.
1. create separate page, which create output based on parameter in box1
Query the database, get ResultSet, and dynamycally write output like
let it be /box3pop.jsp?param=x, where x is value of select box1
<script type="text/javascript">
window.on load = function () {
<body> <!--output is based on a value of x-->
<option value="22">sdscd</option>
<option value="44">ttyy</option>
<option value="91">zzzzzz</option>
2. insert hidden iframe in your form.
<select onchange="populateBox3(this)" name="box1">
<select id="idbox3" name="box3">
<iframe name="hidFrame" style="display:none"></iframe>
3. insert javascript in page your page original, first page
function populateBox3(selectBox1) {
var hiddenFrame = document.frames['hidFrame'];
hiddenFrame.src='/box3pop.jsp?param=' + selectBox1.value;
Cool, heh?
[ February 23, 2005: Message edited by: Eugene Lucash ]