To give you some more information...
The web.xml file, formally known as the deployment descriptor, is something you would write for your web application, assuming you are using the recommend
Java Web Application structure and deployment. Web Application are the recommended and preferred method of organizing and deploying a website.
One of the primary advantages of a Web Application is that it is (typically) completely self contained. Within a single zip like file, a .war file (WAR = Web Archive) is not only your entire Website's HTML, images, JSP's and Servlets, but any Java Libraries, and the deployment descriptor. This results in the ability to deploy and configure a website via a single file. Typically there is nothing additional to configure in the Web Server (or App Server). Before Web Applications, you typically need to either manually configure the classpath, servlet paths, and other things in the Web Server, or write scripts to do such in a consistent manner if deploying across multiple servers. The deployment descriptor, or web.xml file, now contains all this information. As such, it is an extremely important file, but also one that can have a bit of a learning curve to it.
The web.xml files you found in your search are ones from examples included with TomCat and for the TomCat server itself. As Ben mentions, for TomCat, the default app is in the directory ROOT.
You can read the article
Java Web Applications for a very brief and high-level overview of what a web application is. Then you can look at the article
Deploying Web Applications to Tomcat. These articles will give you a basic understanding of Web Applications. You can also look at the
Sun Tutorial on Web Applications. The Sun tutorial does a good job of explaining web applications. You can then also tale a look at the sample chapter I referenced above as an excellent web.xml specific resource.reference.
For further more in depth reading on the subject of Web Applications, I would recommend looking at a good book on JSP & Servlets, most of which discuss Web Applications. Some recommendations would be
Head First Servlets & JSP,
JavaServer Pages, or
Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages: Volume 1: Core Technologies. While Core Servlets is in its second edition, the first edition is available as a free PDF download.
One last thing to keep in mind that can be confusing when first using Servlets, JSPs and Web Applications; you need to determine what version of the Servlet/JSP specification your web hosting company supports. THe most current version is the Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 specification, but some hosting companies still only support the Servlet 2.3/JSP 1.2 Specification. There are some major differences between the two. I would recommend using on your desktop the version of TomCat that matches the same specification that your web hosting company uses. Tomcat v5.x is Servlet-2.4/JSP-2.0 compliant, Tomcat v4.x is Servlet2.3/JSP-1.2 compliant, and Tomcat v3.x is Servlet-2.2/JSP-1.1 compliant.
This all may be more information then you wanted or need at this time, but I think it is best that you at least get a basic awareness, and perhaps understanding of Web Applications as you move forward. Even simple websites can benefit for them. Nonetheless, if are only deploying a
very basic site, you may be able to move forward without them.
A lot of that, however, is going to depend on what your hosting company supports and allows. Since I work with and deploy web applications on dedicated servers under my control at my employer, I cannot speak well to the issues you may face with a hosting company.
I hope that helps...
[ March 15, 2005: Message edited by: Mark Vedder ]