hello all
can any help me writing this
JSP program details below:
->webbrowser should display HTML form with the following controls init.
Employee ID Text box
Name Textbox
Department Combo box
Position combo box
Gender Radio Button
Address Text area
Next Button
Previous Button
Save Button
->Employee ID,should be unique
->Create an XML file to store and retrieve data,which should have an associated XSD(Extended Schema Defination)
->Use Document Object Model(DOM) for all operations on XML file
->Empty all the data in all controls when clicked on NEW button to enter record
->save data to XML file using SAVE button
->move to previous record in XML file with PREVIOUS button
->move to next record in XML file NEXT button
->find the specific record by using Employee ID as base with FIND button
pls help me in writing this program..i gave all details
after that i have more 4 programs to do pls help me
Edit/Delete Message