It seems the default attribute type for Tag Handler class is always "String". What if I need to pass a user-defined data type or just an arraylist ? For example, I want to do ---
In .jsp:
jsp:useBean id="My_Object" class="" scope="request" />
<% Arryalist arraylist_1 = new ArrayList(); ...... %> //create an arraylist_1
<myprefix:mytag name="john" param1="arraylist_1" param2="My_Object" />
String name;
private Arraylist param1;
private MyObject param2;
In other words, "param1" and "param2" are not String type. Is that OK ? From what I have tested it doesn't work at all. It seems it requires the type to be "String". That's not good. We often need to pass complicated things to a JSP. If a Tag Handler class only accepts String, can can I handle the situation that I need Arraylist or other user-defined data structure ?
Any thought ?