I have three frames on my web page.
Top frame represents some kind of header info.
Left frame is used for navigation.
Central frame is data frame.
Now in this central frame
I have a
jsp (a.jsp) file which has two submit buttons (one is 'update', second - 'submit'). On 'update' it calls itself and updates some parameters on the page and also updates some values in user session.
This jsp file also includes another jsp (b.jsp) using <jsp:include> in the beginning. This b.jsp sets value of requestURI and RquestQuerystring in user session.
I have third jsp c.jsp which actually draws all three frames which I mentioned above.
In header frame I have 'refresh' button to refersh all three frames. This button calls c.jsp to do this.
I also have some kind of notification mechanism implemented. So upon getting notification I refresh all three frames using javascript.
Now the problem is that in a.jsp on 'update' button I set userSession attribute 'method' to some value ('update'), then it calls itself and gets that attribute value 'update' do some processing and then sets that attribute to 'null'. Now at this stage if I get notification (which in turn refreshes all the frames )
it will refresh central frame and executes a.jsp again. During this execution it tries to retrieve attribute 'method' from usersession (which I have already set to null). Here it some how always retrieves value 'update' rather than 'null'.
I donot understand why is this happening and what is the solution. Any help is appreciated.
I know my question sounds confusing but help me...
[ June 29, 2005: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]