Originally posted by Marie McKeown:
I think there is a simple solution to this. Anyone know what?
Vivek P
Marie McKeown wrote:Hello I have a query,
I am just testing something out and came across this problem. I have a form which has 'ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data' in its decleration.
Form contain simple input type is text with name='test' and a Submit button.
This calls process.jsp which wants to retrieve the parameter for 'test' ie - what the user has input into the text box.
Thing is using String test = request.getParameter("test"); prints NULL when form has 'ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data' if I remove this prints value input by user. I need the form to be of this ENCTYPE because I will also have input type='file' for user to browse for a file, because process.jsp will also have upload functionality.
I think there is a simple solution to this. Anyone know what?
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