i have to make a page which will featch the login information from the clients browser and after checking some credential it has to make him login to the server.
the cert. is X509 type and i am using MyKeyStore.pfx (pkcs#12) to store this certificate. i am usinf following code --------->
String cipherSuite =
(String) request.getAttribute("javax.net.ssl.cipher_suite");
out.println("Cipher Suite: " + cipherSuite);
// Display the client's certificates, if there are any
if (cipherSuite != null)
X509Certificate certChain[] =
(X509Certificate[]) request.getAttribute("java.net.ssl.peer_certificates");
if (certChain != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < certChain.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Client Certificate [" + i + "] = "+ certChain[i].toString());
here cyberSuite will identify the encription algorithum used by SSl connection. i am trying it on oracle 10G server(SSL and non-SSL both) but it's not working.
i got a suggesion to first install my X509 cert. in user browser's prsonal certificate area, but the pk12 or pfx file which i have made to install in this area is not even installing, it says courrupted pk12/pfx file or password is wrong. i am using the same password for keystore(MyKeyStore.pfx) and X509 cert. file and
java KEYTOOL to generate certificate file and keystore(MyKeyStore.pk12/pfx).i have tried this on firefox and IE