i try the code, on local machine, it can work, but when i execute my
JSP codes on the server, i have the following errors:
at org.apache.log4j.Category.getInstance(Category.java:530)
at com.dejima.utils.log.LogSetUp.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
at com.dejima.utils.log.LogManager.a(Unknown Source)
at com.dejima.utils.log.LogManager.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:350)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:303)
at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(Beans.java:204)
at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(Beans.java:48)
at org.apache.jsp.ndpreceiver_jsp._jspService(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
Why does this error appear? How can i solve it. thanks
[ June 28, 2006: Message edited by: fang eve ]