why don't everybody migrate to the U.K.? I've read U.K. market is picking up. U.K. Why don't millions of chinese and indian IT workers fill the market hole there?
Originally posted by Zenko Popapranec:
[ flickr ]
Originally posted by Prema Chakravarthy:
Because, we love America! I would rather switch careers than move from the US.
Suman A Sarker<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD<br /> <br />If You Can't Beat Them ... Join Them!
Originally posted by Jay Shin:
True. Even more so if you're not white caucasian. Some countries in Europe have higher level of racial discrimination than the U.S.
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Also in UK no one gets 60K for 6 months of 'HTML programming' experience! They would get 15K, and government takes 40% in tax
Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
many US citizens wonder about leaving US for emigrating to australia, new-zealand and canada, there must be a good reason, think about it.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Are you conscious that population of your "forever unconditional allies" british and canadians mostly hate US now ?
Are you conscious that on the whole, we don't care what others think of us? And why should we care? I doubt Europeans really care what Americans think of them either, do they?
When my wife says "I don't care what you think", I get worried that she really cares a great deal about it. Americans actually care a great deal as well about what the rest of the world thinks (see comments on ignorance later in your post).
As far as Canadians hating Americans, that's ridiculous. We are so similar that others have a hard time telling us apart. We often don't agree on their choice of government, or its actions, but neither do they and we have our disagreements about our own.
The province where I live just got rid of an arrogant, rural, neo-con, Tory government that ran up a huge deficit by handing out tax cuts. It took 8 years to realize the mistake. I was in Texas when they first got elected and considered staying, it was more liberal.
Education won't help those who are proudly and willfully ignorant. They'll literally rather die before changing.
Originally posted by Tim Holloway:
I get disturbed when people "don't care" for one simple reason:...
Piffle! I've worked in IT for six years, and I've been out of university for nine. I don't earn the kind of money you implicitly suggest (if 2 years' experience = �40k, I'd love to know what that job pays after 9 years!)Originally posted by Zenko Popapranec:
Hmmm, as I know you get 24K being fresh grad and 40K having 2-years experience. The real tax for earning 3K a month is about 20% of total (taking into consideration all tax tresholds). If you don't spend all money on clubbing, you spend 1K/a person/a month, so you can save GBP 1400/a month.
Originally posted by Prema Chakravarthy:
Because, we love America! I would rather switch careers than move from the US.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
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Free Online Tutorials: http://www.free-tutorials-online.net/
Originally posted by Zenko Popapranec:
Hmmm, as I know you get 24K being fresh grad and 40K having 2-years experience. The real tax for earning 3K a month is about 20% of total (taking into consideration all tax tresholds). If you don't spend all money on clubbing, you spend 1K/a person/a month, so you can save GBP 1400/a month.
[ flickr ]
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
False, I am an european and there are no real racial issues in any european country
That is so completely false. I lived in Europe for a few years and witnessed far more open racism than I have ever seen in the US. In fact, when I came back I would tell people that if they think we had racial issues here, they needed to visit Europe where it is much worse.
Are you conscious that population of your "forever unconditional allies" british and canadians mostly hate US now ?
Are you conscious that on the whole, we don't care what others think of us? And why should we care? I doubt Europeans really care what Americans think of them either, do they?
Originally posted by Joe King:
This too seems to be false. I truly cannot remember the last time I saw something racist, or heard a racist comment, and I live in London. While there will always be a small part of society that is racist, I must stress that in most of Europe it is a very small part. The situation is different across different parts of Europe (some eastern European countries do have race problems), but in western Europe racism is very much a rare occurrence.
Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
Hi all !
But saddly immigrants like him cannot consider any longer coming so being welcome in USA anyway. Some weeks ago I discussed with one american who is a top authority JDO expert (Java Data Object), asking him the "real" options to consider for immigrating to USA. I expected things like "talent, good education, faith in the country, hard working, ..." and such things, but his answer was much more pragmatical than I expected for best immigration options : 1) marriage, 2) DV lottery.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
In Britain it seemed a bit more subtle. Wneh I lived in England, the thing I noticed was that they had an epithet for everyone and these seemed to be in far more common usage than would be acceptable in the US at least. Commonly referring to Pakistanis as Pakis, for example. I saw more hostility directed towards the Pakistanis there than I have ever seen directed towards a racial minority in this country. Are you telling me you never read a tabloid referring to the French as "frogs"? I remember after an apparently important football game between England and Cameroon, which I believe Cameroon won, the English coach saying something along the lines that "those monkeys need to go back to their trees" in reference to the team from Cameroon. While I was shocked, this inconceivably seemed to cause barely any ripples in the British press.
[ November 09, 2004: Message edited by: Jason Menard ]
Originally posted by Joe King:
Most Europeans are very conscious of the fact that the US doesn't care what they think, but to be honest the feeling is probably not mutual. This is because US policy has a large effect on the rest of the world, so Europeans naturally want their needs to effect this policy.
Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
First, you don't need to speak different languages.
Not any longer in IT field, english is OK for working everywhere in europe except for sales personnal towards their local clients.
Not any longer in IT field, english is OK for working everywhere in europe except for sales personnal towards their local clients.
Not relevant, salary doesn't mean anything as long as it is not checked against cost of living within an area, check for switzerland example above. Furthermore, wages in US are getting much lower and even scandalously low on some occasions as some employers obviously want to take advantage of jobless IT people who need to work at any price. You will easily find examples in any job related site, I found mines on "monster.com" in my case (30K for J2ME developpers in CA).
Originally posted by Frank Silbermann:
It's not just our foreign policy that Europeans hate about us. ... They hate us because we proudly own and use firearms for legal and righteous non-sporting purposes -- that we value the lives and freedom of crime victims over the lives of muggers, rapists and burglars. They hate us because our culture is vulgar (which literally means "common") -- not recognizing that this is the price one pays for having a (comparatively) classless society. They sneer at Americans for attending church regularly.
[ flickr ]
Mark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit
Originally posted by Frank Silbermann:
That may be true in Europe, but it's not always true in the U.S. Funnily enough, when I was looking for a job in Miami, Florida (USA) I was disqualified for a number of them because I don't speak the language.
-- <br />4 8 15 16 23 42
What language are you talking about?
English is the official language of U.S.A
Originally posted by Henry Wong:
Interesting detour from the original question... so I'll jump in...
First, US does not have an official language. I am sure certain members of congress are still trying, but no, I don't think anyone succeeded.
And Second, anyone who has been in Miami knows that you will struggle communicating in certain locations without some spanish. (which luckily for me, my wife speaks pretty well)
Originally posted by Henry Wong:
And Second, anyone who has been in Miami knows that you will struggle communicating in certain locations without some spanish.
Even in IT positions?
Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
But saddly immigrants like him cannot consider any longer coming so being welcome in USA anyway. Some weeks ago I discussed with one american who is a top authority JDO expert (Java Data Object), asking him the "real" options to consider for immigrating to USA. I expected things like "talent, good education, faith in the country, hard working, ..." and such things, but his answer was much more pragmatical than I expected for best immigration options : 1) marriage, 2) DV lottery.
...I would be very curious to know how many americans are now in favor of immigration. I would say 20% only, IMHO immigrants are no longer welcome in US.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Current immigration laws give preference to reuniting families. I would like to see a crack down on illegal immigration, an end to H1B visas except in very special circumstances, and an increase in the number of lottery spots.
I think I am typical of most Americans. We are opposed to immigrant migrant workers (I'll live in the US as long as the economy is good but as soon as I have enough money or the economy turns bad I'm going back home). But we support the idea of hard working people from around the world coming to the US to enjoy our freedom and become permanent residents and ultimately citizens of the USA.
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"And Second, anyone who has been in Miami knows that you will struggle communicating in certain locations without some spanish."
Originally posted by Jesse Torres: Even in IT positions?
What's gotten into you? Could it be this tiny ad?
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