Quaerendo Invenietis
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"God who creates and is nature is very difficult to understand, but he is not arbitrary or malicious." OR "God does not play dice." - Einstein
Where does it go when this JSP is compiled into a Servlet?
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Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Mani Ram:
Well I posted it in Meaningless Drivel, because I thought it was Meaningless!
Actually I thought of posting it here initially, but changed my mind thinking that the moderators will move it to MD!
Now, since it is in Jobs Discussion, let me write something meaningful
I'm not harsh in interviewing. I don't mind if people make mistakes while writing some examples in a piece of paper. I don't expect them to carry a compiler in their brain. In fact, I encourage them to skip as much as they can, to save time.
The problem is when people claim something wrong, thinking that the interviewer is a fool. The "Scene 1" person promised me that he has tried it (concatenation using + operator) himself and has got that error.
Originally posted by Arjun Shastry:
Interviewers should try to avoid following questions like
1)Whats new in version x.y.z of abc?
2)Whats the difference between zz.xx.yy and zz.xx.ww of some product pqr?
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Pradeep Bhat:
Please post more questions that you ask.
Quaerendo Invenietis
That reminds me of something. I knew that many people have a favorite list from which they ask questions, but I was once surprised to see a interviewer who took out his list from his pocket and started reading those questions to me when I was interviewd by him!
I generally don't ask about the differences in versions between products. But when someone claim that they keep them updated on the latest things happening around, I expect them to know something relevant on those fields.
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Gerald Davis:
I have done various Java exams at uni and a sun microsystem certification programmers and developers. The thing I have noticed about Java exams is that they require I different set of skills then doing the practical work.
Originally posted by Grishma Dube:
After that you took out ur list of answers
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Mani Ram:
One more:
He: (After thinking for sometime) I think that covers all., the only thing he does as a project leader is to perform the duty of a telephone operator
Originally posted by Mani Ram:
That reminds me of something. I knew that many people have a favorite list from which they ask questions, but I was once surprised to see a interviewer who took out his list from his pocket and started reading those questions to me when I was interviewd by him!
[ December 15, 2004: Message edited by: Mani Ram ]
Originally posted by Mani Ram:
I rewrote the code using a char[] array. He was totally puzzled. He looked into his question list (which had the answers too, I guess!) and started scratching his head.
Finally he asked me why didn't I use StringBuffer. The way he asked it made it clear that he thinks that using StringBuffer is the best possible way
But I neither made an attempt to rewrite the code nor told him that using a char array is faster than using a StringBuffer.
Le Cafe Mouse - Helen's musings on the web - Java Skills and Thrills
"God who creates and is nature is very difficult to understand, but he is not arbitrary or malicious." OR "God does not play dice." - Einstein
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Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
I think at least he was honest,
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by soniya saxena:
That is not very surprising. Some companies actually stress on that.
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by soniya saxena:
But for such a question, isnt it pretty evident that the interviewer is looking forward to hear the StringBuffer solution from u rather than the char[] solution which might be better in only this specific case.
How do I know he is expecting a StringBuffer solution? What if I gave him the StringBuffer soltion and he was actually expecting solution using char array?
However my argument is that, when I give a different (and better in this case) answer, the interviewer shouldn't be surprised. He should be able to appreciate it instead of scratching his head. If he wanted a StringBuffer solution, he should have tried to get it from me differently (like, "That's good. Do you have some other simple approach without using these arrays and all")
And even if u feel the interviewer is dumb, u cannot judge a company by a given interviewer
When did I say that?
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Vedhas Pitkar:
I disagree with Mani.I gave my SCWCD1.4 Beta some months back >now am working on plain ol' JSP & Servlets.If I go to an interview now & someone asks me about JSTL or taglibs, I will give the same answer as given by the candidate in Scene 4.Technical knowledge is of no use unless you use it.
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Kripal Singh:
Reminds me of recruiters with non-technical background .some question like
1)how do you rate yourself in C++ out of 10
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Arjun Shastry:
4 years back,one recruiter from outside India called me asking whether I have any experience of Visual C++ on UNIX.
Quaerendo Invenietis
Quaerendo Invenietis
When people don’t understand what you are doing they call you crazy. But this tiny ad just doesn't care:
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