As I am new to
JSP and MVC structure,I have a page which displays the values dynamically reading from an XML file.Along with each and every value i mean say a complete information for instance parameter name,value I have an Edit link.User can change this value when it is clicked ,it goes to other page having that 2 values in them ,the parameter name is diabled but the value can be changed in xml file.Till this I got,the real problem is that how can I validate in the parameter value so that user cannot just enter anything and change my xml file.
Also there is a parmater in the xml file
<curr key="currency" value="rupees"/>
For this particular element I need a dropdown menu to choose from ,say dollars,Euro.How can this be done.?
please send the code to validate between numeric and alhapetical values ,as the value in the above currency tag is a
String and in other Tags it is numberic.How to differntiate this and then validate keeping in mind the dynamic menu for currency and normal textbox for my other two tags.