OK, the method itself is fine. It conforms to the javabean property syntax.
The problem is that your JSPs can't access methods in servlets.
What you will want to do, is create a Java bean, add that method to it, bind it to one of the scope objects (request, unless you need to keep it around longer) and then forward to your JSP. The JSP will then be able to read that property using EL.
If you'd like an example of this, the SimpleMVC example in our
codebarn does this; not with ArrayLists, but the concept is the same.
http://www.javaranch.com/codebarn/codebarn-servlets-simplemvc.jsp If you want an example that does use ArrayLists, look at the SessionMonitor demo app on my site:
http://simple.souther.us It has a servlet that reads tabular information, places it in a bean as nested ArrayLists, and forwards to a JSP which uses EL and JSTL to read from the bean and iterate over the lists to build the table.