Hello experts
I am working on jasper reports to generaete reports and also i have downloaded ireports latest version for working with jasper reports and creating reports .. its all working fine ... but now my requirement currently is something different
1. User will have a page where he would input the parameters like From Date - To Date and will select one another parameter
2. Depending on the parameter the search would be executed on the db and all the records matching the same criterial are required to be shown would be saved into the array list or what ever..
3. Now a report shall be generated for the same.. means a ".html" will be generated and given to the same
4.Only one jsp is responsible for taking the parameters and displaying the Reports...
5.I am perfectly generating the jasper reports depending upon the parameters from jsp(user)...but the problem is how to display that dynamically...(Using Iframe i am getting report but that is static not dynamic)...
Pliz help me out
give me code