in other words on the error page I want them to click browser's back button and go back to the last form which o they paused.
Durga Prasad
Rather than sending them to another page when you detect an error with the form data, most web apps will send the user back to the same form page with the error message embedded on the page itself. This is not only more user-friendly, but eliminates any nonsense with the back button.
Durga Prasad
Originally posted by Prasad Tamirisa:
I don't think this works, because when you click on the browsers back button the form will be reset and so you will see all the values blank.
Originally posted by ben oliver:
what api method can do that ?
When some thing goes wrong, redirect the user to the same page with the corresponding error message displayed above the text box.
Durga Prasad
Please do not assume people posting in the JSP forum are using Struts.Originally posted by Prasad Tamirisa:
You can do this using the struts error tags.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Please do not assume people posting in the JSP forum are using Struts.
Durga Prasad
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
If you are collecting information from multiple forms, you're going to need to store it on the server or propagate from page to page using hidden elements. Most people would collect this information in the session and it will available to populate the various forms with the data.
And yes, not going to separate error page would be vastly preferred over showing the errors in-place.
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